IdaPro® milk protein powders

Discover the superior quality and functionality of our IdaPro product line, produced from fresh, pasteurized skim milk and a low-heat membrane filtration process.

A pile of milk protein powder with a spoon in it.

Remarkable consistency exceptional flavor

IdaPro milk protein is a high-quality ingredient that's perfect for a wide range of applications. Our advanced filtration process ensures it retains its nutritional value and functionality while maintaining the highest quality standards.

- Light, clean, milky flavor and aroma

- Enhanced emulsifying properties for improved product texture

- Stable viscosity and suspension for consistent product quality

A pile of milk protein concentrate next to a bowl filled with yogurt.

IdaPro products

IdaPro products are unmatched in quality and sourced sustainably.

IdaPro® MPC-85

IdaPro® MC (Micellar Casein)

IdaPro® MPC-85LL (Low Lactose)

IdaPro® MPI-90


Work with us to meet your needs

Explore our Milk Innovation Center and see how we can help you meet your nutritional goals.

Discover the IdaPro difference

Contact our sales team and we will send you a sample.

A pile of white milk protein powder.